Evolve Tennis Coaching provides tennis coaching at the following venues. For further information please contact these clubs directly.
26 Black Rock Rd, Newlands
Phone: 021 166 2342
Website: https://www.sporty.co.nz/nptc
Newlands/Paparangi Tennis Club organises junior development coaching from Thursday and Friday for club members in Terms 1 & 4.
3 Waikowhai St, Ngaio
Phone: (04) 479 5655
Website: www.ngaiotennis.co.nz
Ngaio Tennis Club organises junior interclub team coaching from Monday-Wednesday and junior development coaching on a Sunday morning for club members in Terms 1 & 4.
37 Pinehaven Rd, Pinehaven
Phone: (04) 528 7045
Website: http://www.sporty.co.nz/pinehaventennis/Junior-Information/Juniors
Pinehaven Tennis Club organises junior development coaching on a Saturday morning for club members in Terms 1 & 4.